Level 1, 93 George St, Parramatta NSW 2150
Based in Sydney, NSW, Talentech have many years of experience in Electronic Locks.
Access Control is a powerful technology that can enhance the overall effectiveness of a security solution. The real benefit lies in the ability to integrate it with other systems.
Access control can consist of card readers, key fobs as well as biometric scanners such as fingerprint and retina recognition. Access Control is often combined with CCTV
Cameras or intercom to identify the movement of people or vehicles. Access Cards and Biometrics can be used to control the movement of people and vehicles into or out of an area or building.
Expert Installation
The best Electronic Lock in the world won’t help if it’s incorrectly installed. At Talentech, our Electronic Locks Sydney installation experts are highly trained and certified, to ensure your Talentech Electronic Locks are customised to your specific needs, and that it functions perfectly. We will also explain clearly how it all works and answer any questions you may have.
Contact TALENTECH today to speak to a technician about the right Electronic Locks for you.
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